histVolatility() Built-in Study Functions
Historical volatility is a measure of how much the price fluctuated during a given time period.While historical volatility can be indicative of future volatility, it can also differ greatly from future volatility, depending on what was driving the price changes during the past period. Major expected news items are more important drivers of big moves in the price in the near future. In short, historical volatility is a very rough guide for future volatility, and therefore for implied volatility, which is used to price options. However, historical volatility can be a poor guide for implied volatility in certain situations.
histVolatility( nLength , nLookback [, Series | sym() | inv() ][, nBarIndex ] )
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
nLength | Required. Number of bars to use for calculation volatility for a bar. | n/a |
nLookback | Required. Number of bars that defines the time period for which volatility is calculated. | n/a |
Series or sym() or inv() |
[Optional] Series Object or function of sym() or inv() to determine symbol/interval source for the study. | Base sym/inv |
nBarIndex | [Optional] Bar index of series to retrieve . | n/a |
Return Value(s)
Returns a Series Object when nBarIndex is not specified.
Returns a single value when nBarIndex is specified.
Only available in versions 12.1 or later.
Code Examples
function main() { return histVolatility(14, 252); }
function main() { return histVolatility(14, 252, hl2()); }
Retrieve single values:
function main(){ var nValue_0 = histVolatility(14, 252, 0); // Current Bar Index var nValue_1 = histVolatility(14, 252, -1); // Prior Bar Index return new Array(nValue_0, nValue_1); }
var xStudy = null; function main(){ if (xStudy == null) { xStudy = histVolatility(14, 252); } // retrieve single values for conditional statements var nValue_0 = xStudy.getValue(0); // Current Bar Index value var nValue_1 = xStudy.getValue(-1); // Prior Bar Index value return nValue_0; // Plot Current Bar Index Value }
var xStudy = null; var bInit = false; // Initialization flag function main() { if (bInit == false) { xStudy = histVolatility(14, 252, inv(20)); // 20-min interval bInit = true; } // retrieve single values for conditional statements var nValue_0 = xStudy.getValue(0); // Current Bar Index value var nValue_1 = xStudy.getValue(-1); // Prior Bar Index value return getSeries(xStudy); // Synchronized Series plot }
var xStudy = null;
var bInit = false;
// Initialization flag
function main() {
if (bInit == false) {
xStudy = histVolatility(14, 252, sym("IBM,20")); // IBM 20-min interval
bInit = true;
} // retrieve single values for conditional statements
var nValue_0 = xStudy.getValue(0); // Current Bar Index value
var nValue_1 = xStudy.getValue(-1); // Prior Bar Index value
return getSeries(xStudy); // Synchronized Series plot
See Also
Series Object
Built-in Study Functions
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