AGet.elliottTrigger() Advanced GET Studies
Returns the series or values of the GET Elliott Trigger study.
The Elliot Triiger Study is used as a confirming signal that Elliott Wave 4 has actually ended when the Elliott Oscillator retraces to its zero line.
AGet.elliottTrigger( LongTerm [, sym() | inv() ][, BarIndex ] )
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
LongTerm | A boolean value. Should only be set in True when you are using the Alternate 3 Oscillator (10,70) in combination with the Alternate 3 - Long Term Elliott Wave count. | n/a |
sym() | inv() | [Optional] Function of sym() or inv() to determine symbol/interval source for the study. | Base sym/int |
BarIndex | [Optional] Bar index of series to retrieve. | n/a |
Return Value(s)
Returns a Series Object when nBarIndex is not specified.
Returns a single value when nBarIndex is specified.
Only available in versions 11.8 or later.
Code Example
Creating Series Example:
var bInit = false; var xSer = null; function main() { if (bInit == false) { xSer = getSeries(AGet.elliottTrigger(false)); bInit = true; } return xSer; }
See Also