
ICE Data Services -

GetElliottTriggerStudy() Advanced GET Study Functions

Creates object, which allows to get values of Advanced GET Elliott Trigger in EFS scripts. The Elliot Triiger Study is used as a confirming signal that Elliott Wave 4 has actually ended when the Elliott Oscillator retraces to its zero line.



GetElliottTriggerStudy( Term )



Parameter: Description: Default:
Term should only be set in True when you are using the Alternate 3 Oscillator (10,70) in combination with the Alternate 3 - Long Term Elliott Wave count.





Syntax: Returned value:
GetBiasStudy.TRIG Returns series with values of indicator




Only available in versions 7.9 or later.


Code Example

Creation Object Example:
var vET = null;
function main() {
  if (vET == null) vET = new GetElliottTriggerStudy(false);
  return vET.getValue(GetElliottTriggerStudy.TRIG);


See Also

Advanced GET Studies