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checkVersion( versionNo, URL, fName )
Provides script developers with a mechanism to get updated versions of scripts and/or libraries into the user's hands. The EFS update settings govern how often a user's system will check for updated scripts/libraries. To access the EFS Update dialog, select Tools-->EFS-->AutoUpdates from the eSignal menu.
Only available in version 10.6 or later.
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checkVersion( versionNo, URL, fName )
Provides script developers with a mechanism to get updated versions of scripts and/or libraries into the user's hands. The EFS update settings govern how often a user's system will check for updated scripts/libraries. To access the EFS Update dialog, select Tools-->EFS-->AutoUpdates from the eSignal menu.
versionNo |
the current version number in this script |
the url to check for a more recent version |
fName |
file name (required when used with efsLib files) |
Only available in version 10.6 or later.
function preMain() { setPriceStudy(true); setStudyTitle("Example Script"); setCursorLabelName("EMA", 0); setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0 ); setShowTitleParameters( false ); //Assume that the name of this script is ExampleScript.efs //Each time this script is loaded, it will check the URL specified //in the checkVersion function. If the versionNo in the file found //at the URL is greater than the value of versionNo in the running //EFS, the user will be prompted to allow eSignal to download the //newer script. The download as well as the replacement of the old //EFS with the new is automatic. checkVersion( 1.0, "" ); //So, if I was the author of ExampleScript.efs and if I had created a new //version, I would simply change the versionNo in my new version from //1.0 to 1.1 and then I would upload the EFS file to the location //specified on my web site. Any users of my script would then be prompted //to update the very next time they run the script. //Here is the correct syntax to use when implementing checkVersion with //a library file checkVersion( 1.0, "", "ExampleLibrary.efsLib" ); }