Advanced GET Studies
Returns the average series or values of the GET Moving Average study.
The Moving Average displays the average price of an issue over a specified period of time.
Syntax Length , Offset , Exponential , Pivots , ReturnSeries [, Series | sym() | inv() ][, BarIndex ] )
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
Length | An integer which represents the number of periods to use for calculation. | n/a |
Offset | An integer which determines the number of periods the Moving Average should be shifted forward (+ number) or backwards (- number). | n/a |
Exponential | A boolean value. Exponential Moving Average is used when this parameter is True, Simple Moving Average is used when this parameter is False. | n/a |
Pivots | An integer which adjusts the number of Primary and Major Pivots used to calculate the best Length and Offset for the DMA. Is in range [1, 20]. | n/a |
ReturnSeries | Allows to choose what series of the GET MA study should be returned. To choose use the follwing constants: MA_MA = 0 MA_DMA = 1 |
n/a |
Series | sym() | inv() | [Optional] Series Object or function of sym() or inv() to determine symbol/interval source for the study. | Base sym/int |
BarIndex | [Optional] Bar index of series to retrieve. | n/a |
Return Value(s)
Returns a Series Object when nBarIndex is not specified.
Returns a single value when nBarIndex is specified.
Only available in versions 11.8 or later.
Code Example
Creating Series Example:
var bInit = false; var xSer = null; setPriceStudy(true); function main() { if (bInit == false) { xSer = getSeries(, 0, false, 10, MA_MA)); bInit = true; } return xSer; }
See Also