AGet.osc() Advanced GET Studies
Returns the series or values of the GET Oscillator study.
The GET Oscillator (also known as the Elliott Oscillator) is simply the difference between two moving averages.
AGet.osc( Length1 , Length2 , Strength , ReturnSeries [, sym() | inv() ][, BarIndex ] )
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
Length1 | An integer which represents the number of periods to use for calculation of the first MA. | n/a |
Length2 | An integer which represents the number of periods to use for calculation of the second MA. | n/a |
Strength | An integer which represents the Break Out Bands Strength %. | n/a |
ReturnSeries | Allows to choose what series of the GET Oscillator study should be returned. To choose use the follwing constants: OSC_OSC = 0 OSC_BANDUP = 1 OSC_BANDDOWN = 2 |
n/a |
sym() | inv() | [Optional] Function of sym() or inv() to determine symbol/interval source for the study. | Base sym/int |
BarIndex | [Optional] Bar index of series to retrieve. | n/a |
Return Value(s)
Returns a Series Object when nBarIndex is not specified.
Returns a single value when nBarIndex is specified.
Only available in versions 11.8 or later.
Code Example
var bInit = false; var xSer1 = null; var xSer2 = null; var xSer3 = null; function main() { if (bInit == false) { xSer1 = getSeries(AGet.osc(5, 35, 100, OSC_OSC)); xSer2 = getSeries(AGet.osc(5, 35, 100, OSC_BANDUP)); xSer3 = getSeries(AGet.osc(5, 35, 100, OSC_BANDDOWN)); bInit = true; } return new Array(xSer1, xSer2, xSer3); }
See Also