Array Object |
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The Array Object in Javascript
Array Constructors
Array( size );
Array( element1, element2, ..., elementN);
Array Examples
var aMyArray = new Array();
var aMyArray = new Array( 20 );
var aMyArray = new Array( 1,5,2,20,99 );
var aMyArray = new Array( "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" );
Array Usage
//Adding elements to an array
for (x=0; x<MyCount; x++) {
aMyArray[x] = close(-x)/open(-x);
//Retrieving elements from an array
for (x=0; x<MyCount; x++) {
nMyValue = aMyArray[x];
debugPrint( "Value: " + nMyValue + "\n" );
Array Methods and Properties
concat(array2) |
concatenates array2 into the array object |
join(separator) |
returns a string consisting ofall array elements concatenated with separator |
length |
returns the number of elements in the array |
pop() |
removes the last element from the array and returns that element |
push() |
adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array |
shift() |
removes the first element from an array and returns that element |
unshift() |
adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new array length |
reverse() |
reverses all of the elements in the array object |
slice(start,end) |
returns a section of the array from start to end |
splice(start, quant, [item1,...,itemN]) |
changes the contents of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements |
sort(sortFunc) |
sorts the array using the user-defined sortFunc() |