Mouse Functions

ICE Data Services -

Mouse Functions Mouse Functions

The following collection of mouse functions are event handlers that may be added to formulas as user-defied functions to execute code based on a mouse event.

Mouse Functions

onLButtonDown() Executes when the left mouse button is pressed down.
onLButtonUp() Executes when the left mouse button is released.
onLButtonDblClk() Executes when the left mouse button is double clicked.
onRButtonDown() Executes when the right mouse button is pressed down.
onRButtonUp() Executes when the right mouse button is released.
onRButtonDblClk() Executes when the right mouse button is double clicked.


Click on the links above for detailed reference information.

These functions are not built-in EFS extensions.  They are user-defined functions similar to preMain() and main().  When one of these functions are present in the formula code, the corresponding mouse event will execute the code within the function whenever the event occurs.

Starting with version 11.1 all mouse functions require the use of the Shift key when called from the chart. This change was done to avoid conflicts between EFS and chart mouse events (such as right clicking or double clicking) without compromising any backwards compatibility.

See Also

Mouse Functions
eSignal Bulletin Board Search Engine
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