FunctionParameter Object
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FunctionParameter Object
The FunctionParameter Object class is a set of objects and functions that allow you to manage your input parameters in a EFS script.
FunctionParameter Constructor
FunctionParameter( paramString, paramType )
paramString |
the name of the parameter as defined in main() |
paramType |
the type of parameter object. see Parameter Types below |
Parameter Types
FunctionParameter.STRING |
a string menu object. either a single string or a list of string options |
FunctionParameter.NUMBER |
a numeric menu object |
FunctionParameter.COLOR |
a color menu object |
FunctionParameter.BOOLEAN |
a boolean menu object |
FunctionParameter Methods
setName() |
set the display name of this menu item. This allows you to create a more descriptive name to display to the user |
addOption() |
add a string option |
setLowerLimit() |
set the lowest acceptable input value for a numeric menu option |
setUpperLimit() |
set the highest acceptable input value for a numeric menu option |
setDefault() |
set the default value for this menu option |
var aFPArray = new Array(); function preMain() var x; //initialize formula parameters x = 0; //define a numerical menu option aFPArray[x] = new FunctionParameter( "Param1", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); with( aFPArray[x] ) { setName( "Numeric Menu Option" ); setLowerLimit( 5 ); setUpperLimit( 125 ); setDefault( 40 ); } x++; //define a string list menu option aFPArray[x] = new FunctionParameter( "Param2", FunctionParameter.STRING); with( aFPArray[x] ) { setName( "String Menu Option" ); addOption( "String1" ); addOption( "String2" ); setDefault( "String1" ); } x++; //define a color menu option aFPArray[x] = new FunctionParameter( "Param3", FunctionParameter.COLOR); with( aFPArray[x] ) { setName( "Color Menu Option" ); setDefault( ); } x++; //define a boolean menu option aFPArray[x] = new FunctionParameter( "Param4", FunctionParameter.BOOLEAN); with( aFPArray[x] ) { setName( "Bool Menu Option" ); setDefault( true ); } } //make sure that our 4 menu parameters are included in main's declaration function main( Param1, Param2, Param3, Param4 ) { }