Date Object
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The Date Object in Javascript
Date Constructors
var newDateObject = new Date();
var newDateObject = new Date(dateValue);
var newDateObject = new Date(year, month, day, [hours], [minutes], [seconds], [milliseconds]);
var newDateObject = new Date(year, month, day);
var newDateObject = new Date(year month, day, hour, minutes, seconds);
If dateValue is a numeric value, it represents the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00. The ranges of dates is approximately 285,616 years from either side of midnight. Negative numbers indicate dates prior to 1970.
Year: | The full year (1980). |
Month: | 0-11 (January to December) |
Month: | 0-11 (January to December) |
Day: | 1-31 |
Hour: | 0-23 |
Minutes: | 0-59 |
Seconds: | 0-59 |
Milliseconds: | 0-999 |
Once the date object is constructed, methods can be accessed by the following syntax:
Once the date object is constructed, methods can be accessed by the following syntax:
var today = new Date();
var h = today.getHours();
var s = today.toString();
Local Time is defined as: | the time on the computer from where the script is executed. |
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) | refers to the time as set by the World Time Standard. Also known as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). |
Date Methods
getDate() |
returns the day of the month of the date object according to local time |
getDay() |
returns the day of the week of the date object where 0 = Sunday |
getFullYear() |
returns the year of the date object according to local time |
getHours() |
returns the hour of the date object according to local time |
getMilliseconds() |
returns the milliseconds of the date object according to local time |
getMinutes() |
returns the minutes of the date object according to local time |
getMonth() |
returns the month of the date object according to local time |
getSeconds() |
returns the seconds of the date object according to local time |
getTime() |
returns the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 according to universal time. negative numbers indicate a date prior to 1/1/1970 |
getTimezoneOffset() |
returns the timezone offset between local time and GMT |
getUTCDate() |
returns the day of the month of the date object according to UTC |
getUTCDay() |
returns the day of the week of the date object according to UTC. 0 = Sunday |
getUTCFullYear() |
returns the year of the date object according to UTC |
getUTCHours() |
returns the hours of the date object according to UTC |
getUTCMilliseconds() |
returns the milliseconds of the date object according to UTC |
getUTCMinutes() |
returns the minutes of the date object according to UTC |
getUTCMonth() |
returns the month of the date object according to UTC |
getUTCSeconds() |
returns the seconds of the date object according to UTC |
getYear() |
returns a two digit representation of the year in the date object |
parse(dateString) |
returns the number of milliseconds in dateString since 1/1/1970 local time |
setDate(domValue) |
set the day of the month of this date object according to local time |
setFullYear(yearValue, [monthValue][, [domValue] ]) |
set the year of this date object according to local time |
setHours(hourValue, [minuteValue] [, [secondsValue] [, [millisecondsValue]]] ) |
set the hour of this date object according to local time |
setMilliseconds(millisecondValue) |
set the milliseconds of this date object according to local time |
setMinutes(minuteValue) |
set the minutes of this date object according to local time |
setMonth(monthValue) |
set the month of this date object according to local time |
setSeconds(secondValue, [millisecondsValue]) |
set the seconds of this date object according to local time |
setTime(millisecondsValue) |
set the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 according to local time |
setUTCDate(domValue) |
set the day of the month of this date object according to UTC |
setUTCFullYear(yearValue, [monthValue] [, [domValue]]) |
set the year of this date object according to UTC |