How to Use the Strategy Analyzer Report
Access the report
You cannot access a Strategy Report until you have applied a strategy to a chart. After you have chosen the trading strategy to be applied, check Show Strategy Report in the BackTester dialog box.
To close the Strategy Performance Report, click the Close (X) button in the top right of the window.
Setting dialog box consists of two tabs and contains report settings.
The first tab is the Financial Settings. The parameters indicated there affect the end results and serve bringing the result as close to real trading as possible.
Initial Capital - The sum of money you are initially investing in the specified market. This value is used to calculate the profit and loss. To set the amount of your Initial Capital go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Commission - The commission charged by your broker. Can be calculated as "per trade" or "per contract" comission. To set the amount and type of your Comission go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Slippage - The difference in price between when you place an order and when the order is executed. To set the Slippage amount go to the the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Interest Rate - The interest earned by your money outside of active trades. To set your Interest Rate go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Margin - The amount (in $) you pay the broker as margin per contract. To set the Margin go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Minimal Acceptable Rate of Return - The minimal acceptable rate of return for the investor. To set the Minimal Acceptable Rate of Return, go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Degree of Risk Aversion of the Investor - The degree of risk aversion for the investor, necessary for calculaing the Fouse index. Risk aversion values can be set to 1, 2, or 3 - correspondingly for aggressive, moderate, and conservative risk tolerances. The risk premiuns an investor needs to forfeit an investment with a certain return are shown in the table. To set your Degree of Risk Aversion of the Investor type go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
Number of Standard Deviations - Some of the Strategy Performance Report fields are calculated with the addition or subtraction of a certain number of standard deviations. To set the number of Standard Deviations go to the Financial Settings tab of the Settings dialog box.
The second tab is the Display Settings , parameters of that tab influence the format and structure of data representation in the report.
Decimal symbol - specify which symbol indicates decimal values.
No. of digits after decima l - specify how many digits appear to the right of the decimal symbol.
Digit grouping symbol - specify the symbol that groups the digits in large numbers.
No. of digits in group - specify how many sybols appear between digits-grouping symbols.
Display results in - the time frame for displaying the results in the Time Analysis tab.
Display limits - You can specify the number of periods evaluated in the Periodical tab. This does not apply to the fields in the other tabs.
Save As
The Save As button allows saving the report in HTML format. In the upcoming version we intend to enable saving reports in MS Excel format.
eSignal Strategy Report provides a myriad of graphs that provide a visual way to analyze and evaluate the performance of your report. Available graph types include equity graphs, trade graphs, and drawdown/run-up graphs. Please reade more about graphs in the How to Use the Report > Graphs section.
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