File Name: Volume_with_MA.efs
This plots a moving average on a volume indicator.
Formula Parameters:
nMALength - Defines the length of the Moving Average. Default is 10.
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EFS Code:
/************************* Copyright © eSignal, 2003 ************************** Description: Displays volume with moving average */ var study = null; function preMain() { setStudyTitle("Volume with MA"); setCursorLabelName("Volume",0); setCursorLabelName("MA",1); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM,0); } var vMAArray = new Array(); function main(nMALength) { if (nMALength == null) { nMALength = 10; } else { nMALength = Math.round(nMALength); } // Get data var vVol = volume(); var vOpen = open(); var vClose = close(); if (vVol == null) return; var nBarState = getBarState(); if (nBarState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) { vMAArray.unshift(vVol); //inserts array element to the front of the array } vMAArray[0] = vVol; if (vMAArray[nMALength-1] != null) { var vSum = 0; for (i=0; i <= nMALength-1; i++) { vSum += vMAArray[i]; } var vMAofVol = vSum / nMALength; } else return; if (vOpen <= vClose) setBarFgColor(Color.green, 0); if (vOpen > vClose) setBarFgColor(Color.red, 0); return new Array (vVol, vMAofVol); }