2017 August: Artificial Intelligence for System Development by Domenico D'Errico & Giovanni Trombetta

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File Name: AI_SysDev.efs

Artificial Intelligence For System Development by Domenico D'Errico & Giovanni Trombetta  


Formula Parameters:

  • Enter Gap: -0.08
  • Bars To Exit: 8
  • Bars To Exit Gain: 6

The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Stocks & Commodities, please visit www.traders.com.  


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EFS Code:

Provided By:  
eSignal (Copyright c eSignal), a division of Interactive Data 
Corporation. 2016. All rights reserved. This sample eSignal 
Formula Script (EFS) is for educational purposes only and may be 
modified and saved under a new file name.  eSignal is not responsible
for the functionality once modified.  eSignal reserves the right 
to modify and overwrite this EFS file with each new release.

    Artificial Intelligence For System Development by Domenico D'Errico & Giovanni Trombetta

Version:            1.00  06/14/2017

Formula Parameters:                     Default:
Enter Gap                               -0.08
Bars To Exit                            8
Bars To Exit Gain                       6

The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber
of Stocks & Commodities, please visit www.traders.com.


var fpArray = new Array();

function preMain(){
    var x=0;
    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("gap", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        setName("Enter Gap");
    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("nBarsToExit", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        setName("Bars To Exit");

    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("nBarsToExitGain", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        setName("Bars To Exit Gain");


var bInit = false;
var bVersion = null;

var xClose = null;
var xOpen = null;
var xHigh = null;
var xLow = null;

var xAvgPrice = null;
var xMedPrice = null;
var xMedBodyPrice = null;

var nEntryBarN = 0;
var nEntryPrice = 0;

var positiveEntry = false;
var positiveExit = false;

function main(gap, nBarsToExit, nBarsToExitGain){
    if (bVersion == null) bVersion = verify();
    if (bVersion == false) return;
    if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_ALLBARS){
        bInit = false;
    if (!bInit){
        xOpen = open();
        xClose = close();
        xHigh = high();
        xLow = low();
        xAvgPrice = ohlc4();
        xMedPrice = hl2();
        xMedBodyPrice = oc2();
        nEntryBarN = 0;
        nEntryPrice = 0;
        positiveEntry = false;
        positiveExit = false;
        bInit = true;

    if (getCurrentBarIndex() != 0){
        if ((xAvgPrice.getValue(-2) < xMedPrice.getValue(-2) 
             && xMedPrice.getValue(-3) <= xAvgPrice.getValue(-2)
             && xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-3) <= xAvgPrice.getValue(-4))
            || (xAvgPrice.getValue(-2) < xMedPrice.getValue(-4)
                && xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-1) < xMedPrice.getValue(-3)
                && xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-2) < xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-3))){
            positiveEntry = true;
            if (nEntryPrice != 0) nEntryPrice = 0;
        else { 
            positiveEntry = false; 
            nEntryPrice = 0;
        if ((xAvgPrice.getValue(-2) < xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-2)
             && xMedPrice.getValue(-3) == xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-4)
             && xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-2) <= xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-5))
            || (xAvgPrice.getValue(-3) < xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-1)
                && xMedPrice.getValue(-5) <= xAvgPrice.getValue(-4)
                && xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-2) <= xAvgPrice.getValue(-2))
            || (xAvgPrice.getValue(-3) < xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-1)
                && xMedPrice.getValue(-5) <= xAvgPrice.getValue(-4)
                && xMedBodyPrice.getValue(-2) <= xAvgPrice.getValue(-2))){
            positiveExit = true;
        else positiveExit = false;
        if (!Strategy.isInTrade() && positiveEntry){
            if (nEntryPrice == 0) nEntryPrice = xLow.getValue(-1) + gap;
            if (xHigh.getValue(0) >= nEntryPrice && nEntryPrice >= xLow.getValue(0)){
                nEntryPrice = Math.min(xOpen.getValue(0), nEntryPrice);
                Strategy.doLong("eL_L", Strategy.LIMIT, Strategy.THISBAR, Strategy.DEFAULT, nEntryPrice);
                nEntryBarN = getCurrentBarCount();
                positiveEntry = false;
            var nBarsSinceEntry = getCurrentBarCount() - nEntryBarN;
            if (nBarsSinceEntry != nBarsToExit-1 && positiveExit && ((xClose.getValue(0) - nEntryPrice) < 0))
                Strategy.doSell("P_L_exit_L", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR, Strategy.DEFAULT);
            else if (nBarsSinceEntry >= nBarsToExit -1)
                Strategy.doSell("T_exit_L", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR, Strategy.DEFAULT);
            else if (nBarsSinceEntry >= nBarsToExitGain - 1 && ((xClose.getValue(0) - nEntryPrice) > 0))
                Strategy.doSell("TimeExitGain_L", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR, Strategy.DEFAULT);
            if (!Strategy.isInTrade()){ 
                nEntryBarN = 0;
                positiveExit = false;

    if (Strategy.isInTrade()) setBarBgColor(Color.RGB(0,60,0));

function verify(){
    var b = false;
    if (getBuildNumber() < 3742){
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 35, "This study requires version 12.1 or later.", 
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "error");
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 20, "Click HERE to upgrade.@URL=http://www.esignal.com/download/default.asp", 
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "upgrade");
        return b;
        b = true;
    return b;