File Name: BullBearBalance.efs
This indicator is based on Bull And Bear Balance Indicator by Vadim Gimelfarb, which appeared in the October 2003 issue of Stocks & Commodities.
Formula Parameters:
- Smoothing Length: 2
- Thickness: 2
- Bull Color: Color.blue
- Bear Color: Color.red
- Graph Type: Lines [Lines, Histogram]
The formula is applied twice in the chart image to show the two types of display options. The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Stocks & Commodities, please visit www.traders.com.
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EFS Code:
/***************************************************************** Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2004 Study: Bull And Bear Balance Indicator, by Vadim Gimelfarb Version: 2.0 9/8/2004 Notes: Formula Parameters: Default: Smoothing Length 2 Thickness 2 Bull Color Color.blue Bear Color Color.red Graph Type Lines [Lines, Histogram] *****************************************************************/ function preMain() { setStudyTitle("Bull And Bear Balance "); setShowTitleParameters(false); setCursorLabelName("Bull", 0); setCursorLabelName("Bear", 1); setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.blue, 0); setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red, 1); addBand(0, PS_SOLID, 1, Color.grey, "zero"); var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("nLength", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp1.setName("Smoothing Length"); fp1.setLowerLimit(1); fp1.setDefault(2); var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("nThick", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp2.setName("Thickness"); fp2.setLowerLimit(1); fp2.setDefault(2); var fp3 = new FunctionParameter("cColor0", FunctionParameter.COLOR); fp3.setName("Bull Color"); fp3.setDefault(Color.blue); var fp4 = new FunctionParameter("cColor1", FunctionParameter.COLOR); fp4.setName("Bear Color"); fp4.setDefault(Color.red); var fp5 = new FunctionParameter("sType", FunctionParameter.STRING); fp5.setName("Graph Type"); fp5.addOption("Lines"); fp5.addOption("Histogram"); fp5.setDefault("Lines"); } var bEdit = true; var nCntr = 0; var bNew = false; var nPB = null; var nPB1 = null; var nBull = null; var nBear = null; var nBullMA = null; var nBearMA = null; var nBullMA1 = null; var nBearMA1 = null; var aBull = null; var aBear = null; function main(nLength, nThick, cColor0, cColor1, sType) { if (bEdit == true) { aBull = new Array(nLength); aBear = new Array(nLength); setDefaultBarThickness(nThick, 0); setDefaultBarThickness(nThick, 1); setDefaultBarFgColor(cColor0, 0); setDefaultBarFgColor(cColor1, 1); switch (sType) { case "Lines" : setCursorLabelName("Bull", 0); setCursorLabelName("Bear", 1); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_LINE, 0); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_LINE, 1); break; case "Histogram" : setCursorLabelName("Power Balance", 0); setCursorLabelName("Power Balance", 1); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_INSTANTCOLORLINE, 0); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 1); break; } bEdit = false; } if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) { nPB1 = nPB; nBullMA1 = nBullMA; nBearMA1 = nBearMA; if (nBull != null) { aBull.pop(); aBull.unshift(nBull); } if (nBear != null) { aBear.pop(); aBear.unshift(nBear); } nCntr++; if (nCntr > 200) nCntr = 0; } var C = close(0); var O = open(0); var H = high(0); var L = low(0); var C1 = close(-1); if (C1 == null) return; //Bull Power nBull = null; if (C < O) { if (C1 < O) { nBull = Math.max(H-C1, C-L); } else { nBull = Math.max(H-O, C-L); } } else if (C > O) { if (C1 > O) { nBull = (H-L); } else { nBull = Math.max(O-C1, H-L); } } else if (H-C > C-L) { if (C1 < O) { nBull = Math.max(H-C1, C-L); } else { nBull = (H-O); } } else if (H-C < C-L) { if (C1 > O) { nBull = (H-L); } else { nBull = Math.max(O-C1, H-L); } } else if (C1 > O) { nBull = Math.max(H-O, C-L); } else if (C1 < O) { nBull = Math.max(O-C1, H-L); } else { nBull = Math.max(O-C1, H-L); } aBull[0] = nBull; //Bear Power nBear = null; if (C < O) { if (C1 > O) { nBear = Math.max(C1-O, H-L); } else { nBear = (H-L); } } else if (C > O) { if (C1 > O) { nBear = Math.max(C1-L, H-C); } else { nBear = Math.max(O-L, H-C); } } else if (H-C > C-L) { if (C1 > O) { nBear = Math.max(C1-O, H-L); } else { nBear = (H-L); } } else if (H-C < C-L) { if (C1 > O) { nBear = Math.max(C1-L, H-C); } else { nBear = (O-L); } } else if (C1 > O) { nBear = Math.max(C1-O, H-L); } else if (C1 < O) { nBear = Math.max(O-L, H-C); } else { nBear = (H-L); } aBear[0] = nBear; // Smoothing var dSumBull = 0; var dSumBear = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nLength; i++) { dSumBull += aBull[i]; dSumBear += aBear[i]; } nBullMA = dSumBull/nLength; nBearMA = dSumBear/nLength; // Alert Arrows if (sType == "Histogram") { nPB = (nBullMA - nBearMA); nBullMA = nBearMA = nPB; if (nPB >= 0) { setBarFgColor(cColor0, 0); setBarFgColor(cColor0, 1); } else { setBarFgColor(cColor1, 0); setBarFgColor(cColor1, 1); } if (nPB >= 0 && nPB1 < 0) { bNew = true; drawShapeRelative(0, 5, Shape.UPARROW, null, Color.green, Shape.TOP|Shape.RELATIVETOTOP, "up"+nCntr); } else if (bNew == true) { removeShape("up"+nCntr); } if (nPB <= 0 && nPB1 > 0) { bNew = true; drawShapeRelative(0, 5, Shape.DOWNARROW, null, Color.red, Shape.BOTTOM|Shape.RELATIVETOBOTTOM, "dn"+nCntr); } else if (bNew == true) { removeShape("dn"+nCntr); } } else { if (nBullMA >= nBearMA && nBullMA1 < nBearMA1) { bNew = true; drawShapeRelative(0, 5, Shape.UPARROW, null, Color.green, Shape.TOP|Shape.RELATIVETOTOP, "up"+nCntr); } else if (bNew == true) { removeShape("up"+nCntr); } if (nBullMA <= nBearMA && nBullMA1 > nBearMA1) { bNew = true; drawShapeRelative(0, 5, Shape.DOWNARROW, null, Color.red, Shape.BOTTOM|Shape.RELATIVETOBOTTOM, "dn"+nCntr); } else if (bNew == true) { removeShape("dn"+nCntr); } } return new Array(nBullMA, nBearMA); }