
ICE Data Services -


File Name: MAofROC.efs

Moving Average of Rate of Change oscillator.

Formula Parameters:

  • rocLength: Default is 21
  • rocPriceSource: Default is "Close"
  • valid inputs: Open, High, Low, Close, HL/2, HLC/3 and OHLC/4


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EFS Code:

Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2003

function preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Moving Average of ROC");
    setCursorLabelName("MA", 0);
    setCursorLabelName("ROC", 1);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1);
    setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 1);
    setDefaultBarThickness(3, 1);

var MAstudy = null;
var ROCstudy = null;

function main(rocLength, rocPriceSource, maLength, maOffset, maType) {
	if (MAstudy == null || ROCstudy == null) {
		//check for valid inputs
		if (rocLength == null)
			rocLength = 21;
		if (rocPriceSource == null) {
			rocPriceSource = "Close";
		} else if(rocPriceSource == "C" || rocPriceSource == "O" || rocPriceSource == "H" || rocPriceSource == "L") {
			rocPriceSource = rocPriceSource;
		} else if(rocPriceSource == "Close" || rocPriceSource == "Open" || rocPriceSource == "High" || rocPriceSource == "Low") {
			rocPriceSource = rocPriceSource;
		} else if(rocPriceSource == "HL/2" || rocPriceSource == "HLC/3" || rocPriceSource == "OHLC/4") {
            rocPriceSource = rocPriceSource;
		} else {
			rocPriceSource = "Close";
		ROCstudy = new ROCStudy(rocLength, rocPriceSource);

		if (maLength == null)
			maLength = 18;
		if (maOffset == null) {
			maOffset = 0;
        } else {
            maOffset = Math.round(maOffset);
		if (maType == null) {
			maType = "MAStudy.SIMPLE";
		} else if(maType == "MAStudy.EXPONENTIAL" || maType == "MAStudy.SIMPLE" || maType == "MAStudy.WEIGHTED" || maType == "MAStudy.VOLUMEWEIGHTED") {
			maType = maType;
		} else {
			maType = "MAStudy.SIMPLE";
		MAstudy = new MAStudy(maLength, maOffset, ROCstudy, ROCStudy.ROC, eval(maType));
    var vMA = MAstudy.getValue(MAStudy.MA);
    var vROC = ROCstudy.getValue(ROCStudy.ROC);
    return new Array (vMA, vROC);