2006 Dec: Trading the Equity Curve

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File Name: EquityCurve_MA.efs

This study is based on the December 2006 Stock Trading System Lab article, Trading the Equity Curve, by Volker Knapp.

Formula Parameters:

  • KAMA Periods: 10
  • KAMA Fast Length: 2
  • KAMA Slow Length: 30
  • Commission per Trade: 8
  • Slippage per Trade: 0.002 (0.2%)
  • Lot Size: 100
  • Bollinger Band Periods: 38
  • Bollinger Band Standard Deviations: 3
  • Fast SMA Length: 3
  • Slow SMA Length: 10

The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Active Trader Magazine, please visit www.activetradermag.com.

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EFS Code:

Provided By : eSignal (c) Copyright 2006
Description:  Trading the equity curve 
              by Volker Knapp

Version 1.0  11/17/2006

* Dec 2006 Issue of Active Trader Magazine
* Study requires version 8.0 or later.

Formula Parameters:                     Default:
KAMA Periods                            10
KAMA Fast Length                        2
KAMA Slow Length                        30
Commission per Trade                    8
Slippage per Trade                      0.002  (0.2%)
Lot Size                                100
Bollinger Band Periods                  38
Bollinger Band Standard Deviations      3
Fast SMA Length                         3
Slow SMA Length                         10

function preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Equity Curve MA");
    setCursorLabelName("Upper BB", 0);
    setCursorLabelName("Lower BB", 1);
    setCursorLabelName("Equity Fast MA", 2);
    setCursorLabelName("Equity Slow MA", 3);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.grey, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.grey, 1);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red, 2);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.green, 3);
    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 0);
    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 1);

    // KAMA parameters
	var fp1 = new FunctionParameter( "Period", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp1.setName( "KAMA Periods" );
		fp1.setLowerLimit( 5 );
		fp1.setUpperLimit( 125 );
		fp1.setDefault( 10 );
	var fp2 = new FunctionParameter( "Fast", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp2.setName( "KAMA Fast Length" );
		fp2.setLowerLimit( 1 );
		fp2.setUpperLimit( 125 );
		fp2.setDefault( 2 );
	var fp3 = new FunctionParameter( "Slow", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp3.setName( "KAMA Slow Length" );
		fp3.setLowerLimit( 1 );
		fp3.setUpperLimit( 125 );
		fp3.setDefault( 30 );
	var fp4 = new FunctionParameter( "Commission", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp4.setName( "Commission per Trade" );
		fp4.setLowerLimit( 0 );
		fp4.setDefault( 8 );
	var fp5 = new FunctionParameter( "Slippage", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp5.setName( "Slippage per Trade" );
		fp5.setLowerLimit( 0 );
		fp5.setDefault( 0.002 );
	var fp5b = new FunctionParameter( "Lot", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp5b.setName( "Lot Size" );
		fp5b.setLowerLimit( 1 );
		fp5b.setDefault( 100 );
	var fp6 = new FunctionParameter( "BBPeriods", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp6.setName( "Bollinger Band Periods" );
		fp6.setLowerLimit( 1 );
		fp6.setDefault( 38 );
	var fp7 = new FunctionParameter( "BBStdv", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp7.setName( "Bollinger Band Standard Deviations" );
		fp7.setLowerLimit( 0 );
		fp7.setDefault( 3 );
	var fp8 = new FunctionParameter( "SMA_fast", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp8.setName( "Fast SMA Length " );
		fp8.setLowerLimit( 0 );
		fp8.setDefault( 3 );
	var fp9 = new FunctionParameter( "SMA_slow", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
		fp9.setName( "Slow SMA Length " );
		fp9.setLowerLimit( 0 );
		fp9.setDefault( 10 );

// Global Variables
var bVersion  = null;    // Version flag
var bInit     = false;   // Initialization flag

var bBT = true;          // Back Testing flag

// Basis Strategy Variables
var xUpper = null;
var xLower = null;
var xEquity = null;     // Equity Series
var nEquity = 100000;
var nLot = 100;
var nEntry = null;
var nExit = null;
var nCom = 8*2;          // Commission per trade
var nSlip = 0.002;       // 0.2% Slippage per trade
var vPosition = 0;       // 1=long, 0=flat, -1=short

// Strategy of Basis (B)
var xSMA_fast = null;
var xSMA_slow = null;
var vPositionB = 0; // 1=long, 0=flat, -1=short

// KAMA globals
var xKamaH = null;
var xKamaL = null;
var nKama = 0;      // Kama value
var nKama_1 = 0;    // previous bar's Kama value
var nFast = 0;
var nSlow = 0;

function main(Period, Fast, Slow, Commission, Slippage, Lot, 
                BBPeriods, BBStdv, SMA_fast, SMA_slow) {
    if (bVersion == null) bVersion = verify();
    if (bVersion == false) return;    
    var nState = getBarState();
    if(bInit == false) {
        xKamaH = efsInternal("kama", Period, Fast, Slow, high());
        xKamaL = efsInternal("kama", Period, Fast, Slow, low()); 
        xUpper = upperBB(BBPeriods, BBStdv, xKamaH);
        xLower = lowerBB(BBPeriods, BBStdv, xKamaL);
        // Basis Strategy for Paper trading equity curve needs to go
        //   into the getBasisEquity series function.  Any existing strategy 
        //   may be used in place of the current strategy. 
        xEquity = efsInternal("getBasisEquity", xUpper, xLower);
        xSMA_fast = sma(SMA_fast, xEquity);
        xSMA_slow = sma(SMA_slow, xEquity);
        nCom = Commission * 2;
        nSlip = Slippage;
        nLot = Lot;
        bInit = true;

    if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
        if (getCurrentBarIndex() == 0) bBT = false;
	var nU = xUpper.getValue(-1);
	var nL = xLower.getValue(-1);
	var nSMA_fast_1 = xSMA_fast.getValue(-1);
	var nSMA_slow_1 = xSMA_slow.getValue(-1);
	if(nU == null || nL == null || 
        nSMA_fast_1 == null || nSMA_slow_1 == null) return;

    /***** Strategy of Basis (B) *****/
    if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
        if (nSMA_fast_1 > nSMA_slow_1) {
            // Long Trade Signal
            if (vPositionB != 1 && close(-1) > nU) {
                drawShape(Shape.UPARROW, AboveBar1, Color.green, rawtime(0));
                vPositionB = 1;
                if (bBT == true) {
                    Strategy.doLong("Long", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR);
            // Short Trade Signal
            } else if (vPositionB != -1 && close(-1) < nL) {  
                drawShape(Shape.DOWNARROW, BelowBar1, Color.red, rawtime(0));
                vPositionB = -1;
                if (bBT == true) {
                    Strategy.doShort("Short", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR);

	if(vPositionB == 1) {
        setBarFgColor(Color.darkgreen, 0);
        setBarFgColor(Color.darkgreen, 1);
	} else if(vPositionB == -1) {
        setBarFgColor(Color.red, 0);
        setBarFgColor(Color.red, 1);

	return new Array((xUpper.getValue(0)).toFixed(2)*1, 

function getBasisEquity(xU, xL) {
    var nState = getBarState();
    var nU = xU.getValue(-1);
    var nL = xL.getValue(-1);
    if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
        // Long Trade Signal
        if (vPosition != 1 && close(-1) > nU) {
            nExit = open(0) + (nSlip * open(0));
            if (vPosition == -1) {
                nEquity += ((nEntry - nExit) * nLot) - nCom;
            vPosition = 1;
            nEntry = open(0)  + (nSlip * open(0));
        // Short Trade Signal
        } else if (vPosition != -1 && close(-1) < nL) {  
            nExit = open(0) - (nSlip * open(0));
            if (vPosition == 1) {
                nEquity += ((nExit - nEntry) * nLot) - nCom;
            vPosition = -1;
            nEntry = open(0) - (nSlip * open(0));
    return nEquity;

function kama(Period, Fast, Slow, xSource) {
       kama series modified from KAMA.efs by          
       Divergence Software, Inc.                        
    var x = 0;
    var nNoise;
    var nSignal;
    var nSmooth;

	if (bInit == false) {
		nFast = 2 / ( Fast + 1 );
		nSlow = 2 / ( Slow + 1 );		
		bInit = true;

	if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
		nKama_1 = nKama;
	if (xSource.getValue(-(Period+1)) == null) return close(0);
	nSignal = Math.abs( xSource.getValue(0) - xSource.getValue(-Period) );
	nNoise = 0;
	while( x<Period ) {
		nNoise += Math.abs( xSource.getValue(-x)-xSource.getValue(-(x+1)) );
	if ( nNoise==0 ) nNoise = 1.0;	
	nSmooth = Math.pow( ( nSignal/nNoise ) * ( nFast - nSlow ) + nSlow , 2 );	
	nKama = nKama_1 + nSmooth * ( xSource.getValue(0) - nKama_1 );
	return nKama;

function verify() {
    var b = false;
    if (getBuildNumber() < 779) {
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 35, "This study requires version 8.0 or later.", 
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "error");
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 20, "Click HERE to upgrade.@URL=http://www.esignal.com/download/default.asp", 
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "upgrade");
        return b;
    } else {
        b = true;
    return b;