Historical Volatility

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File Name: HistVolatility.efs

Historical Volatility

Formula Parameters:
LookBack : 20
Annual : 252

Markets oscillate from periods of low volatility to high volatility and back. The author`s research indicates that after periods of extremely low volatility, volatility tends to increase and price may move sharply. This increase in volatility tends to correlate with the beginning of short- to intermediate-term moves in price.
They have found that we can identify which markets are about to make such a move by measuring the historical volatility and the application of pattern recognition.
The indicator is calculating as the standard deviation of day-to-day logarithmic closing price changes expressed as an annualized percentage.

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/*********************************Provided By:
      eSignal (Copyright c eSignal), a division of Interactive Data
	  Corporation. 2008. All rights reserved. This sample eSignal
	  Formula Script (EFS) is for educational purposes only and may be
	  modified and saved under a new file name.  eSignal is not responsible
	  for the functionality once modified.  eSignal reserves the right
	  to modify and overwrite this EFS file with each new release.
	  Description: Hist Volatility 
		Version:  1.0  01/19/2009
	  Formula Parameters:
		LookBack  20
		Annual    252
	  Markets oscillate from periods of low volatility to high volatility
	  and back. The author`s research indicates that after periods of
	  extremely low volatility, volatility tends to increase and price
	  may move sharply. This increase in volatility tends to correlate
	  with the beginning of short- to intermediate-term moves in price.
	  They have found that we can identify which markets are about to make
	  such a move by measuring the historical volatility and the application
	  of pattern recognition.
	  The indicator is calculating as the standard deviation of day-to-day
	  logarithmic closing price changes expressed as an annualized percentage.
var fpArray =  new Array();
var bInit = false;
function preMain() {
  setStudyTitle("Hist Volatility");
  var x = 0;
  fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("LookBack", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
  with (fpArray[x++]) {
  fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("Annual", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
  with (fpArray[x++]) {
var xPrice1 = null;
var xPrice1Avg = null;
var xStdDev = null;
function main(LookBack, Annual) {
  var nState = getBarState();
  if (nState == BARSTATE_ALLBARS) {
    if (LookBack == null) LookBack = 20;
    if (Annual == null) Annual = 252;
  if (bInit == false) {
    xPrice1 = efsInternal("Calc_Price1");
    xPrice1Avg = sma(LookBack, xPrice1);
    xStdDev = efsInternal("Calc_StdDev", LookBack, xPrice1Avg, xPrice1);
    bInit = true;
  if (getCurrentBarCount() < LookBack + 1) return;
  var nAvg = xPrice1Avg.getValue(0);
  var HVol = xStdDev.getValue(0) * Math.sqrt(Annual);
  return HVol;
function Calc_Price1() {
  var nRes = 0;
  if (close(-1) == null) return;
  nRes = Math.log(close(0) / close(-1));
  if (nRes == null) nRes = 1;
  return nRes;
function Calc_StdDev(LookBack, xPrice1Avg, xPrice1) {
  var nRes = 0;
  if (xPrice1Avg.getValue(0) == null) return;
  for (var i = 0; i < LookBack; i++) {
    nRes +=
      (xPrice1.getValue(-i) - xPrice1Avg.getValue(0)) *
      (xPrice1.getValue(-i) - xPrice1Avg.getValue(0));
  nRes = Math.sqrt(nRes / LookBack);
  if (nRes == null) nRes = 1;
  return nRes;