2002 Jan: Relative Vigor Index (RVI)

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File Name: RelativeVigorIndex.efs


The following study is based on the January 2002 article, Relative Vigor Index (RVI), by John Ehlers's.

Formula Parameters:

  • Line Color RVI: Red
  • Line Color Sig: Blue
  • Line Thicknes: 2
  • Display Cursor Labels: False

The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Stocks & Commodities, please visit www.traders.com

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EFS Code:

Provided By:  
    eSignal (Copyright c eSignal), a division of Interactive Data 
    Corporation. 2008. All rights reserved. This sample eSignal 
    Formula Script (EFS) is for educational purposes only and may be 
    modified and saved under a new file name.  eSignal is not responsible
    for the functionality once modified.  eSignal reserves the right 
    to modify and overwrite this EFS file with each new release.

    Relative Vigor Index

Version:            1.0  18/09/2008

    The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber
    of Stocks & Commodities, please visit www.traders.com.

Formula Parameters:                     Default:
    Line Color RVI                          Red
    Line Color Sig                          Blue
    Line Thicknes                             2
    Display Cursor Labels                   False

var fpArray = new Array();
var bInit = false;

function preMain() {

    setShowTitleParameters( false );
    setStudyTitle("Relative Vigor Index");
    setCursorLabelName("RVI", 0);
    setCursorLabelName("Sig", 1);    

    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.blue, 1);    
    setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_LINE, 0); 
    setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_LINE, 1);     

    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 0);
    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 1);
    var x=0;
    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("LineColor1", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
        setName("Line Color RVI");

    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("LineColor2", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
        setName("Line Color Sig");

    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("ViewValue", FunctionParameter.BOOLEAN);
        setName("Display Cursor Labels");
    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("Length", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);

    fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("Thickness", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        setName("Line Thickness");


var xChange = null;
var xMyRange = null;
var xValue1First = null;
var xValue2First = null;
var xValue1Two = null;
var xValue2Two = null;
var xRVI = null;
var xRVISig = null;
var xNum = null;
var xDen = null;

function main(Length, Thickness, LineColor1, LineColor2, ViewValue) {
var nLength1 = 0;
var nLength2 = 0;
var nRVI = 0;
var nRVISig = 0;

    if ( bInit == false ) { 
        setDefaultBarFgColor(LineColor1, 0);
        setDefaultBarFgColor(LineColor2, 1);
        setDefaultBarThickness(Thickness, 0);
        setDefaultBarThickness(Thickness, 1);

        xChange = efsInternal("Calc_Change");
        xMyRange = efsInternal("Calc_MyRange");

        nLength1 = Math.floor((4 + 1) * 0.5);
        nLength2 = Math.ceil((4 + 1) * 0.5);

        xValue1First = efsInternal("TriAverage_gen", xChange, nLength1);
        xValue2First = efsInternal("TriAverage_gen", xMyRange, nLength1);

        xValue1Two = efsInternal("TriAverage_gen", xValue1First, nLength2);
        xValue2Two = efsInternal("TriAverage_gen", xValue2First, nLength2);

        xNum = efsInternal("Summation", xValue1Two, Length ) ;
        xDen = efsInternal("Summation", xValue2Two, Length ) ;

        xRVI = efsInternal("Calc_RVI" , xNum , xDen);

        xRVISig = efsInternal("TriAverage_gen", xRVI, 4 ) ;

        bInit = true; 

    if (getCurrentBarCount() < Length) return;

    nRVI = xRVI.getValue(0);
    nRVISig = xRVISig.getValue(0);
    return new Array(nRVI, nRVISig); 


function Calc_RVI(xNum, xDen){
var nRes = 0;
    if (xDen.getValue(0) > 0) {
        nRes = (xNum.getValue(0) / xDen.getValue(0));
        return nRes;
    return 0;

function Summation(xSeries, nLength){
var nRes = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
           nRes += xSeries.getValue(-i); 
    if (nRes == null) nRes = 1;
    return nRes;

function TriAverage_gen(xSeries, nLength){
var nRes = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
           nRes += xSeries.getValue(-i); 
    nRes = nRes / nLength;
    if (nRes == null) nRes = 1;
    return nRes;

function Calc_Change(){
var nRes = 0;
    nRes = close(0) - open(0);
    if (nRes == null) nRes = 1;
    return nRes;

function Calc_MyRange(){
var nRes = 0;
    nRes = high(0) - low(0);
    if (nRes == null) nRes = 1;
    return nRes;