File Name: AutoMOB.efs
Displays an Advanced Get MOB automatically.
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** Please note this study requires a subscription to the Advanced Get Studies.
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EFS Code:
var pivots = new GetPivotsStudy(); var elliott = new GetElliottStudy(300, 0, 50, 5, 35, 0); var nLastMRW = null; // Last Most Recent Wave (used for reloading) var nLastMRWIndex = null; var dLastMRWHigh = null; var dLastMRWLow = null; var bMOBDrawn = false; var arPivots = new Array(); var arPivotBar = new Array(); function preMain() { checkVersion(2, ""); addEntitlement("AGST", "Not entitled for Advanced GET Studies"); setPriceStudy(true); setStudyTitle("Auto MOB"); } function main() { // What's the most recent wave? If it has changed since last remembered, reload the EFS. // If the elliot waves change, you can count on the pivots updating. var nMRW = elliott.getValue(GetElliottStudy.MOSTRECENTWAVE); var nMRWIndex = elliott.getValue(GetElliottStudy.MOSTRECENTWAVEBARINDEX); if(nMRWIndex == null) return; if(getCurrentBarIndex() == 0) { if(nLastMRW == null) { nLastMRW = nMRW; nLastMRWIndex = nMRWIndex; dLastMRWHigh = high(nMRWIndex); dLastMRWLow = low(nMRWIndex); } else if(nLastMRW != nMRW || nMRWIndex > nLastMRWIndex || low(nMRWIndex) != dLastMRWLow || high(nMRWIndex) != dLastMRWHigh) { nLastMRW = null; nLastMRWIndex = null; dLastMRWHigh = null; dLastMRWLow = null; reloadEFS(); return; } else { nLastMRWIndex = nMRWIndex; dLastMRWHigh = high(nMRWIndex); dLastMRWLow = low(nMRWIndex); } } var nBarState = getBarState(); // If ALLBARS, init the wave arrays and vars. // If newbar, shift the bar indexes if(nBarState == BARSTATE_ALLBARS) { clearLineTool(LineTool.MOB); clearShape(); arPivots.length = 0; arPivotBar.length = 0; bMOBDrawn = false; } if(nBarState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) { var nPivot = pivots.getValue(GetPivotsStudy.PIVOTS, -1); if(nPivot != null) { arPivots.push(nPivot); arPivotBar.push(getCurrentBarIndex()); } } if(bMOBDrawn == false && getCurrentBarIndex() == 0) { bMOBDrawn = true; var nStart = arPivots.length-1; var i; var nCount = 0; for(i = nStart; i >= 0; i--) { var vPivot = arPivots[i]; var vBar = arPivotBar[i]-1; // debugPrintln("I: " + i + " Pivot: " + vPivot + " Bar: " + vBar); // 1 primary // 2 major // 3 intermediate // 4 minor // if negative, a downsize pivot. if(vPivot == 1) { addLineTool(LineTool.MOB, vBar, high(vBar), Color.aqua, Color.magenta,, "mob"); //drawShapeRelative(vBar, 20, Shape.UPTRIANGLE, "",, Shape.RELATIVETOTOP, "Pt" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); //drawShapeRelative(vBar, 10, Shape.UPTRIANGLE, "",, Shape.RELATIVETOBOTTOM, "Pb" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); nCount++; } else if(vPivot == -1) { addLineTool(LineTool.MOB, vBar, low(vBar), Color.aqua, Color.magenta,, "mob"); //drawShapeRelative(vBar, 20, Shape.DOWNTRIANGLE, "",, Shape.RELATIVETOTOP, "Pt" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); //drawShapeRelative(vBar, 10, Shape.DOWNTRIANGLE, "",, Shape.RELATIVETOBOTTOM, "Pb" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); nCount++; /** } else if(vPivot == 2) { addLineTool(LineTool.MOB, vBar, high(vBar), Color.yellow, Color.yellow,, "mob"); drawShapeRelative(vBar, 20, Shape.UPTRIANGLE, "", Color.yellow, Shape.RELATIVETOTOP, "Pt" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); drawShapeRelative(vBar, 10, Shape.UPTRIANGLE, "", Color.yellow, Shape.RELATIVETOBOTTOM, "Pb" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); nCount++; } else if(vPivot == -2) { addLineTool(LineTool.MOB, vBar, low(vBar), Color.yellow, Color.yellow,, "mob"); drawShapeRelative(vBar, 20, Shape.DOWNTRIANGLE, "", Color.yellow, Shape.RELATIVETOTOP, "Pt" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); drawShapeRelative(vBar, 10, Shape.DOWNTRIANGLE, "", Color.yellow, Shape.RELATIVETOBOTTOM, "Pb" + getValue("rawtime", vBar)); nCount++; **/ } if(nCount > 4) break; } } }